Awaken The Higher Self: Bringing Darkness to Light
BMK Publishing, LLC


Director & Host (Cast)
Streaming only on PARAFlixx paranormal+

(Hoping to bring this back for a first successful year)

Ghosthunter Girls: The Haunted Psychomanteum

Natalie Jones is co-founder and President & CEO of PARAFlixx, Inc., PARAFlixx paranormal+, The Paranormal Channel, a universal streaming network with content of the Paranormal, Supernatural, Universe & Beyond, and then some.
Natalie is the creator of The Haunted Psychomanteum. “The Haunted Psychomanteum: OMNIPRESENT” is a 6-part series released early 2021, available only on PARAFlixx paranormal+, and produced by Strange Goat Media. Natalie is owner and founder of Strange Goat Media, LLC. Film credits, as seen on, include Expedition Entity (2022), The Ghost Finders (2022), Clampers: The Haunted Chapter (2022), and Transubstantiation (2023).
Natalie Jones is a metaphysical lecturer and also founder and lead navigator of Ghosthunter Girls. Natalie is a published author of Awaken the Higher Self: Bringing Darkness to Light(BMK Publishing). The Little Secret Book of Life will be available December 2024. She is a Reiki Master and has spent her life preparing for a calling and soul mission to help others as a Healing Facilitator through working with The Light and God Consciousness, transforming different energies with a universal approach and teaching healing from within. Natalie is foreordained with the Melchizedek priesthood for blessings and authority.
Natalie Jones is currently in the doctoral program at the University of Sedona, Doctor of Metaphysical Science, Msc.D., with continuing Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Theological Psychology. Natalie is a seasoned and dedicated yoga and vinyasa practitioner to further connection to mind, body & soul, which helps her to stay grounded and focused in her spiritual work.
Natalie Jones currently teaches mystic and metaphysical based classes at University Magickus. She has been procured by Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies in 2024 and forward, involving mediumship and consciousness.
Since early childhood, Natalie has had experiences and has encountered the paranormal, which has led her where she is today as Lead Navigator (termed by Natalie) & Founder of Ghosthunter Girls. In dealing with dark energy, different inter-dimensional energies, and other paranormal phenomena as a spiritual warrior, Natalie has further uncovered her purpose to bring darkness to Light through different techniques and communication. With the ability to transmute lower energies, and also assist spirits who are stuck in the third dimension, others being affected such as experiencing paranormal activity, are also relieved.
Natalie implements healing protocols, such as burden regression therapy (to identify all blocks and unforgiveness, even subconsciously), kinesiology, consciousness awareness, and retrieval of fragmented spirits to structure the healing process from within with her clients. This ensures lower or dark energies, unclean spirits, or any other types of negative entities or inter-dimensional beings cannot return to affect the individual. Awaken the Higher Self: Bringing Darkness to Light teaches some of these protocols in self-implementation format, but Natalie also has an entire process which is not illuminated in the book as a dark energy healing facilitator that she goes through one-on-one with clients. Currently, Natalie encourages the self-implementation she teaches in the book but will help directly in her work where directed and necessary.
Natalie is an Ethereal Conduit and receives messages regularly in hypnagogic consciousness and downloads/impressions for the higher good of herself and others; being closely connected to inter-dimensional existence and God Consciousness. She is deeply clairsentient and can feel emotions and thoughts of spirits and other individuals even from long distances. These abilities help to navigate on residential cases or those suffering greatly.
Natalie embraces the study of ETI (extra-terrestrial intelligence, UAP’s (unidentified aerial phenomena) & other Phenomenology, including the Science of Consciousness and our complex multiverse. Natalie believes these fields of study have direct connection to higher intelligence, healing, and the ability to communicate trans-dimensional & inter-dimensional, and in order to elicit Awakening on a global scale. She was previously the COO at UFO Hunters of America. Natalie currently researches Consciousness, ETI, Synchronicities, Remote Viewing, types of inter/multi/trans-dimensional beings, and other phenomena. Natalie attends events as a motivational/metaphysical speaker to spread awareness and establish further research in the field. Her current motivational series is entitled “Awaken the Higher Self: Create Your New Life From the Inside Out,” and Awaken the Higher Self: Healing From Within.”
Natalie is a published author and has written Awaken the Higher Self: Bringing Darkness to Light. This Spiritual/Paranormal Genre piece is about spiritual awakening, consciousness awareness, the paranormal, the path to healing, how dark energy operates, and how everything is interconnected through Consciousness. Ultimately, it is a book about learning to remember you are a spirit of unconditional love. The Little Secret Book of Life is coming soon. She is a Reiki Master and also studies Kinesic Energy Meditation, postures and hand gestures, in addition to practicing yoga regularly, to further her ability to remain grounded in her work, move energy, channel energy & facilitate healing on a deep spiritual level for herself and others. Natalie holds the Melchizidek Priesthood and Shaman Light activation, which also assists in the capacity of a healing facilitator. She enjoys yoga and vinyasa when she is not tackling the paranormal, which helps her to receive spirit communication, and stay grounded, protected and balanced. Through experience, Natalie knows the source of all healing and truth comes by The Light– The entire Code of Cosmic Consciousness is enfolded in all of us.
-Natalie Jones